Mobile Social Networking: An Innovative Approach-A Book Review
The objective of this work is the book "Mobile Social Networking: An Innovative Approach", 978-1-4614-8578-0, from Springer Series “Computational Social Sciences” review. Alvin Chin and Daqing Zhang, Editors of this book point briefly its main targets as: 1. Identify current problems in Mobile Social Networking and propose possible solutions. 2. Provide examples of real-life applications that illustrate mobile social networking. 3. Demonstrate real-life data extract from deploying the applications in the field. 4. Challenge the widely accepted preconceptions of what mobile social networking is within the industry and academic fields. The keywords and the related subjects presented below, also supplied by the Editors, give a complete idea about the subjects dealt with in this book and also on the research methodologies used. An innovative approach to this theme is used. The whole book is written in very correct and accessible English. It sounds scientifically rigorous and exigent. The contributors are leading experts in Mobile Social Networking, with high reputation, from academia and industry. According to the Editors, the target audiences are graduate students and researchers, business professionals and CTO’s.