Preference Portfolio of Small Investors With Reference To Mutual Funds

Chintha Sam Sundar, S.Aruna, Kaliyaperumal Karthikeyan
International Journal of Finance, Insurance and Risk Management, Volume 2, Issue 1, 41, 2012
DOI: 10.35808/ijfirm/32


A mutual fund is a single large professionally managed investment organization that gained a tremendous attention by the individual investors to satisfy their investment needs. The paper argues and supports the hypothesis stating that the small investor’s perception towards the growth and success of mutual funds industry in India is positive. The survey was conducted in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, State of Andhra Pradesh in India. It was concluded that the majority of the small investors are relatively young and equipped with high level education. They are all employed and belong to the range of up to 3 lac1 income. The majority of the small investors preferred to invest in growth funds followed by open end funds, money market instruments, balanced funds and income funds in the order.

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